Took a break from the bodywork on the car. The new rocker arms came in, and decided to get the motor back together.
The rocker assemblies went great, then came the intake.. Tried to use the valley pan, and all 4 gaskets supplied with it. Everything looked good before bolting up. Once the intake was on, and bolts in, it went south. Had one of the bolts strip out in the head, and DID NOT want to come out. Everytime I turned it it was pushing little metal fragments into the engine! Sum *****!
After an hour finally got it out. I was talking with Stan about it over PM's. Luckily I think the threads in the head will be fine. It boogered up the first couple, but the rest further down look fine. I took a clean bolt with a stack of washers to act as the intake, and torqued it down to factory spec of 50ft ibs, and seemed fine.
After that removed the rocker assemblies, pushrods, and lifter done the night before, and cleaned all the metal out of the engine. Think I'm alright, got my fingers crossed!! Everythings back together now. Should have a package from Summit showing up today with new ARP intake bolts, valley pan, and a few other things. I think I'm gonna have to go with just the valley pan, and some sealer around the ports.