Old Man with a Hat
Congratulations!!Well, as I’ve been inactive on the forums, I have been watching from afar. I am genuinely trying to find any time here and there to work on my 68. She’s sitting pretty, just waiting to be driven again. I know it will happen!
I’m also excited to know I’ll have little hands to help build this dream of mineI’m so nervous yet excited to be a dad! We finally got to see the little guy via a 3D ultrasound last weekend. I can already imagine cruising around with him in my 68 and showing him that Mopars are the BEST!
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My favorite weekend of the year has always been Memorial Day weekend, which is when the West Coast Kustoms Cruisin’ Nationals takes over my hometown. Coincidentally, my son is due to be born that very weekend. So although I won’t be there this year, I’ve got an even better surprise! I can’t wait to bring him to his first ever Cruisin’ Nationals when he’s older.
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It’s crazy how technology has advanced. I can see some of my features as well as my wife’s!
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My dad and I when I was a baby. Though, to many of you I guess I still am being that 2001 wasn’t terribly long ago lol.
Anyways, I just couldn’t help but share my excitement with you all! Another Mopar man in the making
Congratulation.Thank you everyone!!! It’s such a strange (but in a good way) feeling. You never realize how much you can love something, but wow - I cried like a little girl when i first saw him LOL. Not afraid to admit it!
As fun as it is to think of him older and doing what we all love with cars, I also just hope I get to enjoy every moment of him being so small!
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