Overheating problem with Madeline

original is the answer on this car, but changing the support cuts original out.

befuddles me why there are no radiators out there, it's a low prod radiator but only for c bodies and the lesser used, you'd think there was one available. if he can boil it out it's gonig right back in the car the way it is.
i'll have a good idea once i show it to the rad shop, it'll be flat black and so will the fan and pulley. When I changed the wtr pump on my ambassador i repainted the new one and other stuff that I took off the correct colors, will try to post a pic tonight and you can judge the quality of the work for yourself.
Yes Stan, my mother's classmate had a shop he ran, he was truly a specialist at radiator repair. now the mantra is 'just replace it." Fine for a newer car where fact type replacements are readily available.
maybe they are.........will have to look @ the paint can when i get home. My biggest concern will be making sure there are no leaks, always seems to be a hassle.
At the one I always used in my youth, it was the classic picture.

Old crusty guy with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
You could hand him a scrap of copper from the old one and make a new one out of it.
The 18" soldering irons lined up on the wall.
Never said anything more than "Leave it right there. It'll be ready at 4:30...."
At 4:31 you were only $15.00 poorer.
those truly were the good old days...........now i can't even find a upper hose for this car, much less a radiator
Bill Rollick enterprises in N Jersey has all the original hoses an clamps for under the hood of your car
Bill Rollick enterprises in N Jersey has all the original hoses an clamps for under the hood of your car

not according to what i see.......they have the hose for the pass side inlet but not the dr side inlet

yet another snag. Apparently there was only 1 damn car made like this and i have it.........can you say hello crappy flex hose?
At the one I always used in my youth, it was the classic picture.

Old crusty guy with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.
You could hand him a scrap of copper from the old one and make a new one out of it.
The 18" soldering irons lined up on the wall.
Never said anything more than "Leave it right there. It'll be ready at 4:30...."
At 4:31 you were only $15.00 poorer.

Have one of the last old crusty guys (3rd generation) about 15 miles away in an old shop from the about the 30s now in the middle of a residential area with appartments all around, third generation; appearance and conversation is about the same but multiply by at least 8 when it comes to the price.

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not according to what i see.......they have the hose for the pass side inlet but not the dr side inlet

yet another snag. Apparently there was only 1 damn car made like this and i have it.........can you say hello crappy flex hose?

Oh no..... can't use modern screw type hose clamps...they are not original! LOL!
Wait wait wait. Is it actually overheating? Meaning is fluid or steam being expelled from the radiator cap/overflow? Or is this just a gauge reading?

And since no one suggested it yet, perhaps you have an air bubble trapped in the system. There's numerous posts all over FABO and FBBO about it. Happened to me. Run the thing at idle with the cap off and let it burp. It took mine a half hour or so to finally burp. But the gauge still read high, infrared said otherwise, it never boiled over with cap on (it's going to puke while you burp cap off). My gauge issue is related to bulk head connections i think, as when fuel and charge read different so does temp.
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gauge reading.......but it was only a bit high for awhile then it started to climb to the H (really close).

i did think that maybe I should have just picked up an IR before i did anything else to verify if the gauge was correct or not.
Mine pegs all the way to the top and I'm not over 178 my IR readings. Heads were 178, water neck 175, top of the Radiator was 148, and the bottom 112.
Oh no..... can't use modern screw type hose clamps...they are not original! LOL!

From someone with a modified car, yes, you sure can. If your car is original or factory correct then you should have the original type clamps ...... depends on the application