The Bluesmobile

Zac, AFAIAC, your work is bringing you great satisfaction and is going to get you fun driver. So what if it ain't Mecum auction quality! I have more respect for guys like you than the fat sweaty gabillionaire that buys more phallic symbols at the auction.

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Was wondering, anyone know what these are for??

They are sandwiched in between the rear hanger, and frame. When I took the springs out, the drivers side fell right off, onto the ground. The passenger side stuck on, after prying it off (thinking it was rusted together) it turns out it was welded in the middle to the hanger. I'll just sandwich them back in when installing. But what he hell are they? Exhaust hangers? Mounts for a hitch?? lol

Back to metal work at the moment....

I used the 1978 FSM to was the most handy for me, sorry I didn't use the 74 FSM.

Those are the factory hold downs referred to as the "body bracket" (page 17-8 of the 1978 FSM)...they were used to chain/ strap the cars to the carriers for transport. They are also specified in the FSM for use when towing the cars- there it is called the "shipping tie down bracket" and the clevis for the chain bolts through it. (Page 0-10 of the 1978 FSM)

All Formals have them- regardless of body style.
They are used by the demons that dwell in Formals to crack your skull open every chance they getwhen it's up on a lift. I spilled a lot of blood on those F%$#-ing GeeDee things!

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Zac, AFAIAC, your work is bringing you great satisfaction and is going to get you fun driver. So what if it ain't Mecum auction quality! I have more respect for guys like you than the fat sweaty gabillionaire that buys more phallic symbols at the auction.

Posted via Topify on Android

Thank you Stan :eek:ccasion14:

Hopefully she will drive again one day!

Wow, I just read through all 45 pages. Great work!

This has turned into one long *** thread!! Glad you like it.

I used the 1978 FSM to was the most handy for me, sorry I didn't use the 74 FSM.

Those are the factory hold downs referred to as the "body bracket" (page 17-8 of the 1978 FSM)...they were used to chain/ strap the cars to the carriers for transport. They are also specified in the FSM for use when towing the cars- there it is called the "shipping tie down bracket" and the clevis for the chain bolts through it. (Page 0-10 of the 1978 FSM)

All Formals have them- regardless of body style.

Thank you Mr C! You da man! Makes sense now! Funny how they come permanently installed.

They are used by the demons that dwell in Formals to crack your skull open every chance they getwhen it's up on a lift. I spilled a lot of blood on those F%$#-ing GeeDee things!

Posted via Topify on Android

I could see that! Ouch!
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Not much has happened lately. Filled the trim holes in, and layed down some more primer. Started on the wheel wells. Got the bad cut out, and started adding new metal to the trunk floor edge.

How are the 360 engines in a bigger car w 2 banger i always thought 318 and 360 would be a little under powered for a big car like that and I know 340 is a monster motor buy its a different animal 275 hP
Just finished reading this from start to finish. BTW my name is Zach, and I'm also a Michigander lol. I agree with every compliment I've seen so far, as you are doing great work. Finally, as a welder, I've been fairly impressed with how quickly your welds have gone from barely passable to quite good... do you practice on scrap? And to all you guys that want to learn to weld, buy an old stick welder at an estate sale and start sticking stuff together. Watch your weld pool, not your stick. Get as comfortable as possible before starting a bead. Don't be afraid of f***ing up. We all do it, and welds can always be ground away or cut off and redone. I say to start with stick because it's a PITA, but if you can lay down a half-assed decent bead with stick then you'll look like a god with a MIG welder. Also, with thin metal, don't worry too much about penetration when patching pinholes, especially if you can tack on both sides. Welding is as much an art as a skill, and once you get the feel, it's not only easy, it can be a helluva lot of fun.

Keep it up, you're doing awesome work!
Well its been a while.. lol

Nothing really happening lately. I started welding on her again a couple weeks ago, only to run out of gas after 20 or so spot welds :icon_confused:

I did make a trip up north last week, and was able to get a couple leaf spring shackles from a buddy. This is the 2nd time this car has saved my rear.

Shes giving a lot! Not much left.

Hes also come a long way with his car! His interior is coming out great! SEM is some good stuff!


Hopefully I'll have some real progress to report soon!
Trying to get some steam built up again. Sure am glad I picked up the rear section from the car above!

Picked up a new sheet of metal, and a fresh tank of gas for the welder. Decided to start on another section to stay motivated. Got the dog leg cut out, as well as some rocker, and inner metal. Damn this side is nasty!! With most of the bad cut out, can start piecing it back together from the inside out.

This piece will be put to use!


I've putzed around with it for an hour or so here and there, on the rear of the wheel well. But I got tired of it. If I jump back in full force like I was, I loose interest real quick, then it sits for long periods of time...

Just need to spend a few hours here and there to get it done. Tired of welding, and grinding. Hoping if I get this part done, and all thats left is the wheel well part I was working on, I'll be real motivated to finish it.

Then comes the REAL hard part. Spending $$ to get the stuff back together!!
Always good to see your updates Zach .. That's a cool picture of the sheet of metal leaning against the car. Very impressive to be able to take a big sheet of flat metal and cut, hammer, and force it into the shapes needed to save the blumo
Good to see you could finally peel out of that Corinthian Leather of that Cordoba. ;)
Just got me a new bottle of gas for the welder as well. Last one lasted for about ten years.