Old Man with a Hat
You would stop to sleep??
I don't care what you guys are trying to prod me into.
1,100 miles, plus the economics? Just plain stupid!
It will cost me a hundred bucks to get to Orlando A/P (Pamela will NOT drive that far).
Airfare to to the seller's nearest A/P.
Cost to get 150 mi. from his nearest A/P to where he is.
11 hundred miles at 15 (???) mpg @ 3.60/gal. plus lodging for a night and junk food at the dozen or so pee stops. All without A/C through the part of the country having 100+ degree temperatures.
Plus the aggevation of doing repairs in his driveway which he'll love, or me endlessly waiting around for Fixit1/2Assed Service Center to overcharge me.
Come on guys. Really.. I retired from trucking to end the road self abuse....
You call it adventure. I had too much adventure over 35 years. I'm done!
You would stop to sleep??
I don't care what you guys are trying to prod me into.
1,100 miles, plus the economics? Just plain stupid!
It will cost me a hundred bucks to get to Orlando A/P (Pamela will NOT drive that far).
Airfare to to the seller's nearest A/P.
Cost to get 150 mi. from his nearest A/P to where he is.
11 hundred miles at 15 (???) mpg @ 3.60/gal. plus lodging for a night and junk food at the dozen or so pee stops. All without A/C through the part of the country having 100+ degree temperatures.
Plus the aggevation of doing repairs in his driveway which he'll love, or me endlessly waiting around for Fixit1/2Assed Service Center to overcharge me.
Come on guys. Really.. I retired from trucking to end the road self abuse....
You call it adventure. I had too much adventure over 35 years. I'm done!
Dave, forgive me for being blunt. That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard come from you which is extremely rare, if not a first from you. You wouldn't have attempted 11 hundred miles in that 42 year old Newport with zero knowledge of it's true condition either and you know it. Now stop being silly.polara71 said:if you doubt a cars endurance for lasting 1100 miles then why consider it?........
Well, it's all a moot point now, isn't it....
I hope the new owner appreciates the car for what it is and doesn't Hoopty it, or perfume it for a flip.
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Stan sometimes you do what you gotta do and throw caution to the wind without considering the possible ramifications. I certainly would do it.....
I agree..... I would ...and have done it. More then once.
I have a 64 Dodge D200 crewcab truck that I bought sight unseen. It was in southern Utah.... I lived in North Carolina. I was convinced of the trucks intregrety through conversation and photos. So... I shipped a tool box and a few extra parts, then flew to Vegas, and rode a Greyhound the final 150 miles to where the truck was. My tools were in the back seat when I arrived and I had a set of tires put on before leaving Utah. I took four days, driving daylight only and back roads the 2200 miles back to North Carolina. The only issue was a battery replacement in Durango Colorado.
I will always remember the great time that trip was and would not hesitate to do it again.
Sounds like you missed out on a great car by overthinking it.
SORRY for the rambling.
That is hilarious,Stan! LMFAO!!
I never expect anyone to understand that. It's just the way it is.....However, you lost me with cats............ Really?
I never expect anyone to understand that. It's just the way it is.....
Several years ago, I went through a long period of life changing experiences. It was pretty bad. What came out of it was there are 3 things I will kill to protect. My wife, the roof over my head, and my cats. Everything else comes in such a distant forth, they don't even register on the scale.
I really wanted the car. I absolutely don't need that car. I now know how to find happiness so I can easily replace the happiness that car would/could have given me at with something else at 1/10th the anxiety or aggrevation.
I wish I could think the same way, the 'i absolutely don't need the car' way. my life would get a heck of a lot easier.
I understand...... I have two cats. Very entertaining, totally independent, don't bark or crap all over the yard, I can go away for a couple of days and just leave a pile of food and some water and they act like "OH.... your back" when I get home.
I wish I hadn't learned the hard wayI wish I could think the same way, the 'i absolutely don't need the car' way. my life would get a heck of a lot easier.