6-15-18 Test Drive, 91580 miles
· Radiator full, topped reservoir
· No leaks under car. Big Plus!
· Door locks working
· On my return, the mileage was 91,646 miles. Google maps says the distance from my home to work, one way, is 33.9 miles. Technically starting at 91,580 miles and ending at 91,646 miles puts me 1 – 2 miles short of where I should be, but for a 46-year-old speedometer/odometer, it’s pretty close to right.
· Acceleration was okay, but could be better. The engine didn’t miss or bog on acceleration. Cruise was excellent. I drove the car for several miles at about 72 mph without any trouble.
· Suspension was surprisingly good. The car floated less than I thought it would have.
· Steering was straight and there was no evidence of misalignment.
· I had on a pair of off-white khakis. They had some black dots on to the inside lower portion of each pants leg after the drive to work. I found a drilled a hole, probably for a choke cable, above and to the left of the accelerator pedal. I think debris might’ve been accumulated in that hole. Either that, or it was accumulated in the heat vent system, but I had that system turned off and it ends to the right of the accelerator pedal. It should have the sprayed on to the outside right pants leg. The good news is that I ran a 3/8 thread bolt, flat washers, and a nut to plug the hole so nothing can come through it now. Also, no stains on the carpet or seat. Interesting that nothing came through and stained the pants further on the way home. It was only on the way there that this problem occurred.
· I got compliments on the car from 4 or 5 people at work. One lady wants to take pictures with it. The car had a great reception. And people like the color. One lady even texted one of her coworkers, who had the day off, to tell him that he was missing seeing my 1972 Fury. Overall it was a feel-good day.