
Hey, maybe this will help. If you want to mod something to make it perform better like dics brakes instead of drum, replacing a single master cylinder with a dual one, etc. go ahead and do it, but keep the old parts or otherwise limit the mods so it so that the car can be put back to stock if someone wants to if it is a collectible car. Especially if you can't see the mods, go for it.

Bias vs. Radial is a good argument for modifying a car. I put radials on most all of mine since the driving experience is much more enjoyable and safer, but I make sure the radials look as close to stock as possible. Sorry to mess up your phone Dave or cause frustration for Stan!
I feel ya on the t buckets. I've seen some really nice ones but would still rather have the roadster. Good choice!
Something like this.
I guess I bought my NYer out of sentimentality. So, I'm not going to be making changes that cannot be changed back. I did change all of the solid brake lines out to Ni-Copp and there will probably be a few other minor and nearly invisible mods. I don't fell inclined to do heavy mods or even changing the brakes over to disc. I don't intend to run it that hard. There's a part of me that doesn't like to deviate from stock. I guess because I like it the way it was made. Mind the fact that I'm not doing a full on restoration either though the parts that will used to fix it will be over the counter not NOS.

When I was in my 20's I didn't look at a car that wasn't a MOPAR. Everything else was a waste of time to look at. I've matured a little and can appreciate most anything that someone has put a lot of work and care into. There are still a few models of cars that I don't slow down to look at very often.
I think I am part of the stock crowd, to some extent anyway. I think the smart way to mod and keep a long view for resale, is liMIT mods to bolt on stuff ( wheels) and paint.
My Fury vert will be very close to stock except for the interior. All something a future custodian can change back very easy.
That's a nice looking fury Mr. Horvath!! And thanks for the serman Cantflip. Maybe this is a better example of what I'm asking: All Cherokees came from the factory with rear drum breaks. Unfortunately when off-roading drum brakes aren't the best. I started digging around in the boneyards to see what I could find to replace them. I came across a liberty with similar 8 1/4 rear axle. I bought the axle ,brought it home and swapped the drum brakes on mine for the disks of the Liberty. Change the proportioning valve and replace a few lines and wham!! I've got all wheel disks, 2000 times better than factory. Now I know the Cherokee isn't a 300h or a hemicuda, it's just an example as are the brakes . I don't understand why someone wouldn't want to improve safety and handling on any car, if they could.Why leave it stock??

I am fully behind safety upgrades, in most circumstances your jeeps brakes were fine, but choosing to go for better made sense because of your use. Its also not one of the few remaining. I expressed My opinion, nobody else has to pay it any attention. If I missed the mark on your question, sorry, I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone who is a member here. If you give the picture or statement, I assume you want feedback... again, sorry if that feedback wasn't what you wanted.

I know the feeling.
You stop, catch your breath, and see that once again, the unwashed masses never heard a word of what you said.

Sorry if I/we frustrate you... for some of us big flashing neon letters wouldn't help either. Somehow lots of meaning gets lost when written here, I think somethings funny and you may think I am taking it seriously. I look forward to someday sitting down and BSing with many of you folks here... I think we all understand each other a little better face to face. As for myself, I know in the past I have had problems with my direct reports finding negative meaning in work related emails that I pained myself to be as gentile and kind as possible... not always MY best medium, but what I've got here.

It's Sunday... time for my bath...

FWIW, there's a lot of people that say the batmobile is an abomination and should be restored to it's original form as the Lincoln Futura.

The argument of original v. restored v. resto mod v. customized will continue on ad nauseam.

Other than as the Batmobile, this is the only other way I know it... I'm a 68 MY

This car has a history unlike most factory show cars... it kept being used... it was a decade old when Barris had his way with it... I don't think it would have survived with the TV link.

As to what's right... we would never be able to all agree there, Thanks Big John.
For the record cantflip, I took no disrespect from any of your comments. I appreciate all of you guys for taking the time respond. As you said " lots of meaning gets lost here". I think that was the case for my question. I just didn't ask right! Lol
I like to stand out and be original but i like Mods to be tasteful too. It is very easy to get carried away with Customizing. Too me alot of these Cars look Pretty perfect Stock, there is nothing you can really do to improve on a Exner car, or a 68-70 charger. If i Had a 57 300 let's say, I would want the car as Original as possible. Part of the reason why i bought a Duster is there are plenty of them around that i wont feel bad for making it my own, i just want to have fun with my car and not have the Guilt, you only get 1 life.
how true. I am adding some nice performance goodies to my stock wagon. I am keeping all of the original pieces for the car. such as exh. manifolds,intake breather carb, wheels, hubcaps, well you get the picture. it will be my car the way I think it should be restored and if somebody doesn't agree with it so be it. all of the original pieces will be with it when it crosses the bj auction block. lmao
Did everyone just kind of over look this? How is the Polara coming along Ross?
The bodywork is done & ready for paint. The interior is finished but not in the car. All the trim is polished or re-chromed & ready to go back on the car. I'm going to make this car a priority in 2016.
For the record I can appreciate them all. If they are done at a high quality. It is very hard keep our c bodies completely stock and really appreciate one when I see it.

I personally like a stock car, probably because I love my 66 300 appearance, but I have added things to upgrade the handling and will modify the engine, but I still want it to look stock.

It least where I live, it is much more unique to be stock.
After reading three pages, I'll chime in with a few thoughts.

I've been fortunate enough to collect, drive, and maintain 6 Newports over the last 12 years. (no kids, never married)
They're all '67's, they're all Newports. Yet no two are the same. They range from pieced together rattle box train wreck convertible to 40K mile Turbine Bronze 2DHT queen. For me the stories attached to the cars are priceless. I keep them the way I inherited them. I don't modify them irreversibly. I keep every part that I remove.I love the flickering headlights, the buzz in the radio, the completely unique sound of the Chrysler starter.

Of all the Newps the one that gets the most attention/conversation is the black 2DHT with now 91K miles. It sat in a barn in Tomahawk WI. for twenty six years. I bought it through eBay with four flat tires, no brakes, and hadn't run in over 15 years. I paid more for transport than I did for the car. After a few hours of tinkering, I had it running. I restored it mechanically with the only deviation from original being a dual exhaust. About 4 months after getting the car, I got lucky and was asked to use the car(along with 3 others I had at that time)in the movie Taking Woodstock. It was by far the coolest thing I've done with the Newps. The movie was a bomb but so what. This car has rust in the trunk, knicks, bumps, scratches, and a nearly perfect interior. I've never buffed it out or even washed it in years now.

The fella that I bought this car from bought it for his son who was born in 1967. He planned on doing the father/son turn a wrench thing, but the son grew up to be an environmentalist and never showed any interest in the car. Eventually the farm was sold and the cars all had to go. The day the car was picked up the son in law called me to tell me it was on it's way. He said he was watching the transporter pull away and Herb(the father/owner)was sitting in the truck next to him crying. After hearing that, I wouldn't be able to alter this car from what it is. I don't think I'll ever restore it.

I did upgrade to a solid state voltage regulator and instrument voltage limiter. No ammeter bypass, no electronic ignition, no disc brakes. I love it just the way it is.

So why stock? Because that's what I like. To each his own.

'nuff said

The bodywork is done & ready for paint. The interior is finished but not in the car. All the trim is polished or re-chromed & ready to go back on the car. I'm going to make this car a priority in 2016.
You are amassing quite an incredible car collection, and my definition of a high quiity modification that I can appreciate.