Help me spend some $$

Well, close the GAWDAMM door, then.
First it's the Australians, then the Europeans, now it's the...
This is only one post. I get notification of potential spamming. Alarms aren't going off yet. Just someone cannot/will not speak English. I can't delete over that.

I got it figured out..........he's selling chinese tires by the ship load.
Check this out:

It goes on forever and ever. If it's not a North Korean spy worm snaking it's way through to shut down our anti-nuclear attack self-defense system, I'll give you my car, free.
I step out for a few and look what happens...

Here is a page to the specs of the cam I'm looking at-
What do you guys think?

Got the engine to TDC on cyl #6. Pulled the valve covers, crank pulley, harmonic balencer, and timing cover. Looks nice and clean inside.


Timing chain has some play on the passenger side

Is that to much play? Looks normal from the sounds of it reading on other forums.. Think it would work good with the new cam? Or should I not be such a cheap *** and get a new one to be safe. Engine was rebuilt in '05 with not many miles since.
Yeah, exactly. Your in there.....not too hard to go the rest of the way so might as well avoid any worries now while its easy.
I goofed up on the link to the cam above.. That one was to an AMC motor. Here is the correct link-

Thanks for the links to the timing chains bob! $30 aint bad at all. This is a very low budget build, so trying to keep costs down as much as possible. I'd love to, but now way am I dropping the $111 on the MP part.

Could you find some cheap valve springs to handle this cam? I'm gonna look around on the net. Comp wants $87 for a set of springs. Hoping I can find some that will work cheaper...

Plus I've been reading on other forums that the comp springs dont work well with the stock retainers.
Ordered the camshaft the other day, after talking on the phone with comp cams. They seemed to agree it was the best choice after explaining what it was going in. Hopefully it works out. Need to order some new springs next to work with it.

I also wanted to pick up a torque wrench, as I don't have one at the moment. I did not want a harbor frieght wrench either lol (sorry guys, I know alot of guys on here despise harbor frieght, but I can't lie.. I love them. No I wouldnt buy a torque wrench, or anything that had to be real precise from them.. But for cheap everyday tools, that I may only use once you cant beat the price)

Anyhow, was looking around on sears website, and came accross one that looked decent. They had a sale going on ONLINE for a few bucks off. I figured what the hell I'll spend the few extra bucks walk into the local sears and get it there. That way I can check it out, and see if it is really what I want. Go into sears only to find out they dont offer them in store. The guy explained that they only sell them online, not in store, where I thought the sale price that said ONLINE only sale was for the sale price. This really pissed me off, as this is like the 5th store around here who has done this to me..

I went to a local auto parts store looking for an item. Non of the clerks even tried looking up, or searching the part. All I was told was to go look for it online. It would probably be cheaper that way anyway.. WTF!?!?! What the hell is the point of there being a store then? Uhgg.... Im still bitching, and this happened 2 days ago lol. Alright i'm done ranting...

Anywhase the cam should be here tomarrow. Any tips/and or trick you guys might have to make it an easy swap??
I put the bolt in the camshaft end to use as a handle to help guide the cam in...lots of asembly lube and be slow. don't want to nick the cam bearings.
Follow the manual from the beginning to the letter. What you don't understand, ask.
That's about it.
I still do it that way so I don't absent mindedly put a gizmo in backwards.

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